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Dealing with Teething Pain: Tips for Parents

By March 17, 2024April 2nd, 2024No Comments

Every parent knows the joy of seeing their baby’s first tooth come in, but with that milestone often comes discomfort for your little one. Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents alike, but with the right strategies, you can help ease your baby’s pain and make the process a bit smoother for everyone involved.

Understanding the Teething Process

Teething typically begins around six months of age, though it can start earlier or later for some babies. During this time, your baby’s first teeth, known as primary teeth, begin to emerge through the gums. This process can be uncomfortable and even painful for babies, leading to symptoms such as irritability, drooling, and fussiness.

Signs of Teething

It’s essential for parents to be able to recognize the signs of teething so they can provide the necessary comfort and care for their baby. Some common signs include:

  1. Increased drooling
  2. Irritability or fussiness
  3. Chewing on objects
  4. Swollen or tender gums
  5. Disrupted sleep patterns

Tips for Soothing Teething Pain

Fortunately, there are several strategies that parents can use to help alleviate discomfort for their babies:

  1. Teething Toys: Provide your baby with safe toys to chew on. The pressure can help relieve the pain and discomfort associated with teething.
  2. Cold Compresses: Cold temperatures can help numb sore gums and provide relief for your baby. Try offering a cold washcloth or chilled teething ring for them to chew on.
  3. Gentle Massage: Gently massaging your baby’s gums with a clean finger can help soothe teething pain. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before doing so.
  4. Over-the-Counter Remedies: If your baby is particularly uncomfortable, you may consider using over-the-counter gels or pain relievers. However, be sure to consult with your pediatrician before using any medication.
  5. Comforting Techniques: Sometimes, all your baby needs is a little extra comfort and cuddling. Holding your baby close and providing them with soothing words can help ease their distress during teething.

When to See a Pediatric Dentist

While teething is a natural process, it’s essential to monitor your baby’s oral health and development closely. If you have concerns about your baby or if they are experiencing severe discomfort, it may be time to schedule a visit to with one of our pediatric dentists.


Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents, but with the right strategies, you can help ease your baby’s discomfort and make the process a bit smoother for everyone. By understanding the process, recognizing the signs, and implementing soothing techniques, you can help your baby get through this milestone with minimal pain and discomfort. If you have any concerns about your baby oral health, don’t hesitate to reach out to a pediatric dentist for guidance and support.

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